Gavin-Walker Legacy
LAST UPDATED: 07 January 2018

Produced by 7-time Emmy Award winner David E. Carter, this film documents 100 years of Sanibel's Black History. Beginning in 1917 when Isaiah Gavin and Hannah Gavin moved from Walkulla County in the panhandle of Florida near Tallahassee to Sanibel Island.

The Gavin-Walker Legacy began with the marriage of Elnora Walker (daughter of Harry Walker Sr. and Pearl Alice Walker) to Edmond Gavin in 1933. They went on to have 20 children. Their families have over 100 years of Sanibel Island History to tell.

This documentary sponsored by Bank of the Islands, Bailey's General Store, Island Inn and Pfeifer Realty Group tells a story that has never been told before. On August 11th, 2017 a panel was installed along San-Cap Road on the path along the "Ding" Darling Refuge near the entrance to the Gavin-Walker Site. This site was first used to house a telegraph station (the old Cable Hut) and was later occupied by the Gavin-Walker family members. Currently this site is an area where equipment is stored and is not open to the public. This plaque is the first one to be installed on the City of Sanibel's Heritage Trail.

Sanibel Real Estate

The Gavin Walker Premiere will be March 27th, 2018 at the Community House. A sell out is expected. Please join us in celebrating 100 years of island history with a family that helped shape our islands.

If you or your family are sitting on a Treasure Trove of old Sanibel and Captiva photographs and would like to preserve them for the future, learn more about the Pfeifer Vintage Photo Collection at the Sanibel Public Library. Your photos will be scanned creating a high resolution file and the pictures are returned to you in their original condition. The historical archives will be open to the public and can be searched by many tags created and associated with each photograph.

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